Search Results: "jgoerzen"

12 November 2016

John Goerzen: Morning in the Skies

IMG_8515 This is morning. Time to fly. Two boys, happy to open the hangar door and get the plane ready. It s been a year since I passed the FAA exam and became a pilot. Memories like these are my favorite reminders why I did. It is such fun to see people s faces light up with the joy of flying a few thousand feet above ground, of the beauty and freedom and peace of the skies. I ve flown 14 different passengers in that time; almost every flight I ve taken has been with people, which I enjoy. I ve heard wow or beautiful so many times, and said it myself even more times. IMG_6083 I ve landed in two state parks, visited any number of wonderful small towns, seen historic sites and placid lakes, ascended magically over forests and plains. I ve landed at 31 airports in 10 states, flying over 13,000 miles. airports Not once have I encountered anyone other than friendly, kind, and outgoing. And why not? After all, we re working around magic flying carpet machines, right? IMG_7867_bw (That s my brother before a flight with me, by the way) Some weeks it is easy to be glum. This week has been that way for many, myself included. But then, whether you are in the air or on the ground, if you pay attention, you realize we still live in a beautiful world with many wonderful people. And, in fact, I got a reminder of that this week. Not long after the election, I got in a plane, pushed in the throttle, and started the takeoff roll down a runway in the midst of an Indiana forest. The skies were the best kind of clear blue, and pretty soon I lifted off and could see for miles. Off in the distance, I could see the last cottony remnants of the morning s fog, lying still in the valleys, surrounding the little farms and houses as if to give them a loving hug. Wow. Sometimes the flight is bumpy. Sometimes the weather doesn t cooperate, and it doesn t happen at all. Sometimes you can fly across four large states and it feels as smooth as glass the whole way. Whatever happens, at the end of the day, the magic flying carpet machine gets locked up again. We go home, rest our heads on our soft pillows, and if we so choose, remember the beauty we experienced that day. Really, this post is not about being a pilot. This post is a reminder to pay attention to all that is beautiful in this world. It surrounds us; the smell of pine trees in the forest, the delight in the faces of children, the gentle breeze in our hair, the kind word from a stranger, the very sunrise. I hope that more of us will pay attention to the moments of clear skies and wind at our back. Even at those moments when we pull the hangar door shut. IMG_20160716_093627

13 September 2016

John Goerzen: Two Boys, An Airplane, Plus Hundreds of Old Computers

Was there anything you didn t like about our trip? Jacob s answer: That we had to leave so soon! That s always a good sign. When I first heard about the Vintage Computer Festival Midwest, I almost immediately got the notion that I wanted to go. Besides the TRS-80 CoCo II up in my attic, I also have fond memories of an old IBM PC with CGA monitor, a 25MHz 486, an Alpha also in my attic, and a lot of other computers along the way. I didn t really think my boys would be interested. But I mentioned it to them, and they just lit up. They remembered the Youtube videos I d shown them of old line printers and punch card readers, and thought it would be great fun. I thought it could be a great educational experience for them too and it was. It also turned into a trip that combined being a proud dad with so many of my other interests. Quite a fun time. IMG_20160911_061456 (Jacob modeling his new t-shirt) Captain Jacob Chicago being not all that close to Kansas, I planned to fly us there. If you re flying yourself, solid flight planning is always important. I had already planned out my flight using electronic tools, but I always carry paper maps with me in the cockpit for backup. I got them out and the boys and I planned out the flight the old-fashioned way. Here s Oliver using a scale ruler (with markings for miles corresponding to the scale of the map) and Jacob doing calculating for us. We measured the entire route and came to within one mile of the computer s calculation for each segment those boys are precise! 20160904_175519 We figured out how much fuel we d use, where we d make fuel stops, etc. The day of our flight, we made it as far as Davenport, Iowa when a chance of bad weather en route to Chicago convinced me to land there and drive the rest of the way. The boys saw that as part of the exciting adventure! Jacob is always interested in maps, and had kept wanting to use my map whenever we flew. So I dug an old Android tablet out of the attic, put Avare on it (which has aviation maps), and let him use that. He was always checking it while flying, sometimes saying this over his headset: DING. Attention all passengers, this is Captain Jacob speaking. We are now 45 miles from St. Joseph. Our altitude is 6514 feet. Our speed is 115 knots. We will be on the ground shortly. Thank you. DING Here he is at the Davenport airport, still busy looking at his maps: IMG_20160909_183813 Every little airport we stopped at featured adults smiling at the boys. People enjoyed watching a dad and his kids flying somewhere together. Oliver kept busy too. He loves to help me on my pre-flight inspections. He will report every little thing to me a scratch, a fleck of paint missing on a wheel cover, etc. He takes it seriously. Both boys love to help get the plane ready or put it away. The Computers Jacob quickly gravitated towards a few interesting things. He sat for about half an hour watching this old Commodore plotter do its thing (click for video): VID_20160910_142044 His other favorite thing was the phones. Several people had brought complete analog PBXs with them. They used them to demonstrate various old phone-related hardware; one had several BBSs running with actual modems, another had old answering machines and home-security devices. Jacob learned a lot about phones, including how to operate a rotary-dial phone, which he d never used before! IMG_20160910_151431 Oliver was drawn more to the old computers. He was fascinated by the IBM PC XT, which I explained was just about like a model I used to get to use sometimes. They learned about floppy disks and how computers store information. IMG_20160910_195145 He hadn t used joysticks much, and found Pong ( this is a soccer game! ) interesting. Somebody has also replaced the guts of a TRS-80 with a Raspberry Pi running a SNES emulator. This had thoroughly confused me for a little while, and excited Oliver. Jacob enjoyed an old TRS-80, which, through a modern Ethernet interface and a little computation help in AWS, provided an interface to Wikipedia. Jacob figured out the text-mode interface quickly. Here he is reading up on trains. IMG_20160910_140524 I had no idea that Commodore made a lot of adding machines and calculators before they got into the home computer business. There was a vast table with that older Commodore hardware, too much to get on a single photo. But some of the adding machines had their covers off, so the boys got to see all the little gears and wheels and learn how an adding machine can do its printing. IMG_20160910_145911 And then we get to my favorite: the big iron. Here is a VAX a working VAX. When you have a computer that huge, it s easier for the kids to understand just what something is. IMG_20160910_125451 When we encountered the table from the Glenside Color Computer Club, featuring the good old CoCo IIs like what I used as a kid (and have up in my attic), I pointed out to the boys that we have a computer just like this that can do these things and they responded wow! I think they are eager to try out floppy disks and disk BASIC now. Some of my favorites were the old Unix systems, which are a direct ancestor to what I ve been working with for decades now. Here s AT&T System V release 3 running on its original hardware: IMG_20160910_144923 And there were a couple of Sun workstations there, making me nostalgic for my college days. If memory serves, this one is actually running on m68k in the pre-Sparc days: IMG_20160910_153418 Returning home After all the excitement of the weekend, both boys zonked out for awhile on the flight back home. Here s Jacob, sleeping with his maps still up. IMG_20160911_132952 As we were nearly home, we hit a pocket of turbulence, the kind that feels as if the plane is dropping a bit (it s perfectly normal and safe; you ve probably felt that on commercial flights too). I was a bit concerned about Oliver; he is known to get motion sick in cars (and even planes sometimes). But what did I hear from Oliver? Whee! That was fun! It felt like a roller coaster! Do it again, dad!

9 August 2016

John Goerzen: Easily Improving Linux Security with Two-Factor Authentication

2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a simple way to help improve the security of your systems. It restricts the scope of damage if a machine is compromised. If, for instance, you have a security token or authenticator app on your phone that is required for ssh to a remote machine, then even if every laptop you use to connect to the remote is totally owned, an attacker cannot establish a new ssh session on their own. There are a lot of tutorials out there on the Internet that get you about halfway there, so here is some more detail. Background In this article, I will be focusing on authentication in the style of Google Authenticator, which is a special case of OATH HOTP or TOTP. You can use the Google Authenticator app, FreeOTP, or a hardware token like Yubikey to generate tokens with this. They are all 100% compatible with Google Authenticator and libpam-google-authenticator. The basic idea is that there is a pre-shared secret key. At each login, a different and unique token is required, which is generated based on the pre-shared secret key and some other information. With TOTP, the other information is the current time, implying that both machines must be reasably well in-sync time-wise. With HOTP, the other information is a count of the number of times the pre-shared key has been used. Both typically have a window on the server side that can let times within a certain number of seconds, or a certain number of login accesses, work. The beauty of this system is that after the initial setup, no Internet access is required on either end to validate the key (though TOTP requires both ends to be reasonably in sync time-wise). The basics: user account setup and ssh authentication You can start with the basics by reading one of these articles: one, two, three. Debian/Ubuntu users will find both the pam module and the user account setup binary in libpam-google-authenticator. For many, you can stop there. You re done. But if you want to kick it up a notch, read on: Enhancement 1: Requiring 2FA even when ssh public key auth is used Let s consider a scenario in which your system is completely compromised. Unless your ssh keys are also stored in something like a Yubikey Neo, they could wind up being compromised as well if someone can read your files and sniff your keyboard, your ssh private keys are at risk. So we can configure ssh and PAM so that a OTP token is required even for this scenario. First off, in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, we want to change or add these lines:
UsePAM yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes
AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive
This forces all authentication to pass two verification methods in ssh: publickey and keyboard-interactive. All users will have to supply a public key and then also pass keyboard-interactive auth. Normally keyboard-interactive auth prompts for a password, but we can change /etc/pam.d/sshd on this. I added this line at the very top of /etc/pam.d/sshd:
auth [success=done new_authtok_reqd=done ignore=ignore default=bad]
This basically makes Google Authenticator both necessary and sufficient for keyboard-interactive in ssh. That is, whenever the system wants to use keyboard-interactive, rather than prompt for a password, it instead prompts for a token. Note that any user that has not set up google-authenticator already will be completely unable to ssh into their account. Enhancement 1, variant 2: Allowing automated processes to root On many of my systems, I have ~root/.ssh/authorized_keys set up to permit certain systems to run locked-down commands for things like backups. These are automated commands, and the above configuration will break them because I m not going to be typing in codes at 3AM. If you are very restrictive about what you put in root s authorized_keys, you can exempt the root user from the 2FA requirement in ssh by adding this to sshd_config:
Match User root
  AuthenticationMethods publickey
This says that the only way to access the root account via ssh is to use the authorized_keys file, and no 2FA will be required in this scenario. Enhancement 1, variant 2: Allowing non-pubkey auth On some multiuser systems, some users may still want to use password auth rather than publickey auth. There are a few ways we can support that:
  1. Users without public keys will have to supply a OTP and a password, while users with public keys will have to supply public key, OTP, and a password
  2. Users without public keys will have to supply OTP or a password, while users with public keys will have to supply public key, OTP, or a password
  3. Users without public keys will have to supply OTP and a password, while users with public keys only need to supply the public key
The third option is covered in any number of third-party tutorials. To enable options 1 or 2, you ll need to put this in sshd_config:
AuthenticationMethods publickey,keyboard-interactive keyboard-interactive
This means that to authenticate, you need to pass either publickey and then keyboard-interactive auth, or just keyboard-interactive auth. Then in /etc/pam.d/sshd, you put this:
auth required
As a sub-variant for option 1, you can add nullok to here to permit auth from people that do not have a Google Authenticator configuration. Or for option 2, change required to sufficient . You should not add nullok in combination with sufficient, because that could let people without a Google Authenticator config authenticate completely without a password at all. Enhancement 2: Configuring su A lot of other tutorials stop with ssh (and maybe gdm) but forget about the other ways we authenticate or change users on a system. su and sudo are the two most important ones. If your root password is compromised, you don t want anybody to be able to su to that account without having to supply a token. So you can set up google-authenticator for root. Then, edit /etc/pam.d/su and insert this line after the line:
auth       required nullok
The reason you put this after is because you want to be able to su from root to any account without having to input a token. We add nullok to the end of this, because you may want to su to accounts that don t have tokens. Just make sure to configure tokens for the root account first. Enhancement 3: Configuring sudo This one is similar to su, but a little different. This lets you, say, secure the root password for sudo. Normally, you might sudo from your user account to root (if so configured). You might have sudo configured to require you to enter in your own password (rather than root s), or to just permit you to do whatever you want as root without a password. Our first step, as always, is to configure PAM. What we do here depends on your desired behavior: do you want to require someone to supply both a password and a token, or just a token, or require a token? If you want to require a token, put this at the top of /etc/pam.d/sudo:
auth [success=done new_authtok_reqd=done ignore=ignore default=bad]
If you want to require a token and a password, change the bracketed string to required , and if you want a token or a password, change it to sufficient . As before, if you want to permit people without a configured token to proceed, add nullok , but do not use that with sufficient or the bracketed example here. Now here comes the fun part. By default, if a user is required to supply a password to sudo, they are required to supply their own password. That does not help us here, because a user logged in to the system can read the ~/.google_authenticator file and easily then supply tokens for themselves. What you want to do is require them to supply root s password. Here s how I set that up in sudoers:
Defaults:jgoerzen rootpw
jgoerzen ALL=(ALL) ALL
So now, with the combination of this and the PAM configuration above, I can sudo to the root user without knowing its password but only if I can supply root s token. Pretty slick, eh? Further reading In addition to the basic tutorials referenced above, consider: Edit: additional comments Here are a few other things to try: First, the libpam-google-authenticator module supports putting the Google Authenticator files in different locations and having them owned by a certain user. You could use this to, for instance, lock down all secret keys to be readable only by the root user. This would prevent users from adding, changing, or removing their own auth tokens, but would also let you do things such as reusing your personal token for the root account without a problem. Also, the pam-oath module does much of the same things as the libpam-google-authenticator module, but without some of the help for setup. It uses a single monolithic root-owned password file for all accounts. There is an oathtool that can be used to generate authentication codes from the command line.

3 August 2016

John Goerzen: All Aboard

Aaaaaall Aboard! *chug* *chug* And so began a trip aboard our hotel train in Indianapolis, conducted by our very own Jacob and Oliver. IMG_20160703_101438 Because, well, what could be more fun than spending a few days in the world s only real Pullman sleeping car, on its original service track, inside a hotel? IMG_20160703_101520 We were on a family vacation to Indianapolis, staying in what two railfan boys were sure to enjoy: a hotel actually built into part of the historic Indianapolis Union Station complex. This is the original train track and trainshed. They moved in the Pullman cars, then built the hotel around them. Jacob and Oliver played for hours, acting as conductors and engineers, sending their train all across the country to pick up and drop off passengers. Opa! Have you ever seen a kid s face when you introduce them to something totally new, and they think it is really exciting, but a little scary too? That was Jacob and Oliver when I introduced them to saganaki (flaming cheese) at a Greek restaurant. The conversation went a little like this: Our waitress will bring out some cheese. And she will set it ON FIRE right by our table! Will it burn the ceiling? No, she ll be careful. Will it be a HUGE fire? About a medium-sized fire. Then what will happen? She ll yell OPA! and we ll eat the cheese after the fire goes out. Does it taste good? Oh yes. My favorite! It turned out several tables had ordered saganaki that evening, so whenever I saw it coming out, I d direct their attention to it. Jacob decided that everyone should call it opa instead of saganaki because that s what the waitstaff always said. Pretty soon whenever they d see something appear in the window from the kitchen, there d be craning necks and excited jabbering of maybe that s our opa! And when it finally WAS our opa , there were laughs of delight and I suspect they thought that was the best cheese ever. Giggling Elevators IMG_20160703_205544 Fun times were had pressing noses against the glass around the elevator. Laura and I sat on a nearby sofa while Jacob and Oliver sat by the elevators, anxiously waiting for someone to need to go up and down. They point and wave at elevators coming down, and when elevator passengers waved back, Oliver would burst out giggling and run over to Laura and me with excitement. Some history IMG_20160704_161550 We got to see the grand hall of Indianapolis Union Station what a treat to be able to set foot in this magnificent, historic space, the world s oldest union station. We even got to see the office where Thomas Edison worked, and as a hotel employee explained, was fired for doing too many experiments on the job. Water and walkways Indy has a system of elevated walkways spanning quite a section of downtown. It can be rather complex navigating them, and after our first day there, I offered to let Jacob and Oliver be the leaders. Boy did they take pride in that! They stopped to carefully study maps and signs, and proudly announced this way or turn here and were usually correct. 20160702_164754_Richtone(HDR) And it was the same in the paddleboat we took down the canal. Both boys wanted to be in charge of steering, and we only scared a few other paddleboaters. Fireworks IMG_20160704_220332 Our visit ended with the grand fireworks show downtown, set off from atop a skyscraper. I had been scouting for places to watch from, and figured that a bridge-walkway would be great. A couple other families had that thought too, and we all watched the 20-minute show in the drizzle. Loving brothers By far my favorite photo from the week is this one, of Jacob and Oliver asleep, snuggled up next to each other under the covers. They sure are loving and caring brothers, and had a great time playing together. IMG_20160702_071015

28 June 2016

John Goerzen: A great day for a flight with the boys

I tend to save up my vacation time to use in summer for family activities, and today was one of those days. Yesterday, Jacob and Oliver enjoyed planning what they were going to do with me. They ruled out all sorts of things nearby, but they decided they would like to fly to Ponca City, explore the oil museum there, then eat at Enrique s before flying home. Of course, it is not particularly hard to convince me to fly somewhere. So off we went today for some great father-son time. The weather on the way was just gorgeous. We cruised along at about a mile above ground, which gave us pleasantly cool air through the vents and a smooth ride. Out in the distance, a few clouds were trying to form. IMG_20160627_141614 Whether I m flying or driving, a pilot is always happy to pass a small airport. Here was the Winfield, KS airport (KWLD): IMG_20160627_142106 This is a beautiful time of year in Kansas. The freshly-cut wheat fields are still a vibrant yellow. Other crops make a bright green, and colors just pop from the sky. A camera can t do it justice. They enjoyed the museum, and then Oliver wanted to find something else to do before we returned to the airport for dinner. A little exploring yielded the beautiful and shady Garfield Park, complete with numerous old stone bridges. IMG_20160627_162121 Of course, the hit of any visit to Enrique s is their ice cream tacos (sopapillas with ice cream). Here is Oliver polishing off his. IMG_20160627_174345 They had both requested sightseeing from the sky on our way back, but both fell asleep so we opted to pass on that this time. Oliver slept through the landing, and I had to wake him up when it was time to go. I always take it as a compliment when a 6-year-old sleeps through a landing! IMG_20160627_191524 Most small airports have a bowl of candy setting out somewhere. Jacob and Oliver have become adept at finding them, and I will usually let them talk me into a piece of candy at one of them. Today, after we got back, they were intent at exploring the small gift shop back home, and each bought a little toy helicopter for $1.25. They may have been too tired to enjoy it though. They ve been in bed for awhile now, and I m still smiling about the day. Time goes fast when you re having fun, and all three of us were. It is fun to see them inheriting my sense of excitement at adventure, and enjoying the world around them as they go. The lady at the museum asked how we had heard about them, and noticed I drove up in an airport car (most small airports have an old car you can borrow for a couple hours for free if you re a pilot). I told the story briefly, and she said, So you flew out to this small town just to spend some time here? Yep. Wow, that s really neat. I don t think we ve ever had a visitor like you before. Then she turned to the boys and said, You boys are some of the luckiest kids in the world. And I can t help but feel like the luckiest dad in the world.

16 June 2016

John Goerzen: Mud, Airplanes, Arduino, and Fun

The last few weeks have been pretty hectic in their way, but I ve also had the chance to take some time off work to spend with family, which has been nice. Memorial Day: breakfast and mud For Memorial Day, I decided it would be nice to have a cookout for breakfast rather than for dinner. So we all went out to the fire ring. Jacob and Oliver helped gather kindling for the fire, while Laura chopped up some vegetables. Once we got a good fire going, I cooked some scrambled eggs in a cast iron skillet, mixed with meat and veggies. Mmm, that was tasty. Then we all just lingered outside. Jacob and Oliver enjoyed playing with the cats, and the swingset, and then . water. They put the hose over the slide and made a water slide (more mud slide maybe). IMG_7688 Then we got out the water balloon fillers they had gotten recently, and they loved filling up water balloons. All in all, we all just enjoyed the outdoors for hours. MVI_7738 Flying to Petit Jean, Arkansas Somehow, neither Laura nor I have ever really been to Arkansas. We figured it was about time. I had heard wonderful things about Petit Jean State Park from other pilots: it s rather unique in that it has a small airport right in the park, a feature left over from when Winthrop Rockefeller owned much of the mountain. And what a beautiful place it was! Dense forests with wonderful hiking trails, dotted with small streams, bubbling springs, and waterfalls all over; a nice lake, and a beautiful lodge to boot. Here was our view down into the valley at breakfast in the lodge one morning: IMG_7475 And here s a view of one of the trails: IMG_7576 The sunset views were pretty nice, too: IMG_7610 And finally, the plane we flew out in, parked all by itself on the ramp: IMG_20160522_171823 It was truly a relaxing, peaceful, re-invigorating place. Flying to Atchison Last weekend, Laura and I decided to fly to Atchison, KS. Atchison is one of the oldest cities in Kansas, and has quite a bit of history to show off. It was fun landing at the Amelia Earhart Memorial Airport in a little Cessna, and then going to three museums and finding lunch too. Of course, there is the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum, which is a beautifully-maintained old house along the banks of the Missouri River. IMG_20160611_134313 I was amused to find this hanging in the county historical society museum: IMG_20160611_153826 One fascinating find is a Regina Music Box, popular in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It operates under the same principles as those that you might see that are cylindrical. But I am particular impressed with the effort that would go into developing these discs in the pre-computer era, as of course the holes at the outer edge of the disc move faster than the inner ones. It would certainly take a lot of careful calculation to produce one of these. I found this one in the Cray House Museum: VID_20160611_151504 An Arduino Project with Jacob One day, Jacob and I got going with an Arduino project. He wanted flashing blue lights for his police station , so we disassembled our previous Arduino project, put a few things on the breadboard, I wrote some code, and there we go. Then he noticed an LCD in my Arduino kit. I hadn t ever gotten around to using it yet, and of course he wanted it immediately. So I looked up how to connect it, found an API reference, and dusted off my C skills (that was fun!) to program a scrolling message on it. Here is Jacob showing it off: VID_20160614_074802.mp4

6 June 2016

John Goerzen: How git-annex replaces Dropbox + encfs with untrusted providers

git-annex has been around for a long time, but I just recently stumbled across some of the work Joey has been doing to it. This post isn t about it s traditional roots in git or all the features it has for partial copies of large data sets, but rather for its live syncing capabilities like Dropbox. It takes a bit to wrap your head around, because git-annex is just a little different from everything else. It s sort of like a different-colored smell. The git-annex wiki has a lot of great information both low-level reference and a high-level 10-minute screencast showing how easy it is to set up. I found I had to sort of piece together the architecture between those levels, so I m writing this all down hoping it will benefit others that are curious. Ir you just want to use it, you don t need to know all this. But I like to understand how my tools work. Overview git-annex lets you set up a live syncing solution that requires no central provider at all, or can be used with a completely untrusted central provider. Depending on your usage pattern, this central provider could require only a few MBs of space even for repositories containing gigabytes or terabytes of data that is kept in sync. Let s take a look at the high-level architecture of the tool. Then I ll illustrate how it works with some scenarios. Three Layers Fundamentally, git-annex takes layers that are all combined in Dropbox and separates them out. There is the storage layer, which stores the literal data bytes that you are interested in. git-annex indexes the data in storage by a hash. There is metadata, which is for things like a filename-to-hash mapping and revision history. And then there is an optional layer, which is live signaling used to drive the real-time syncing. git-annex has several modes of operation, and the one that enables live syncing is called the git-annex assistant. It runs as a daemon, and is available for Linux/POSIX platforms, Windows, Mac, and Android. I ll be covering it here. The storage layer The storage layer simply is blobs of data. These blobs are indexed by a hash, and can be optionally encrypted at rest at remote backends. git-annex has a large number of storage backends; some examples include rsync, a remote machine with git-annex on it that has ssh installed, WebDAV, S3, Amazon Glacier, removable USB drive, etc. There s a huge list. One of the git-annex features is that each client knows the state of each storage repository, as well as the capability set of each storage repository. So let s say you have a workstation at home and a laptop you take with you to work or the coffee shop. You d like changes on one to be instantly recognized on another. With something like Dropbox or OwnCloud, every file in the set you want synchronized has to reside on a server in the cloud. With git-annex, it can be configured such that the server in the cloud only contains a copy of a file until every client has synced it up, at which point it gets removed. Think about it that is often what you want anyhow, so why maintain an unnecessary copy after it s synced everywhere? (This behavior is, of course, configurable.) git-annex can also avoid storing in the cloud entirely if the machines are able to reach each other directly at least some of the time. The metadata layer Metadata about your files includes a mapping from the file names to the storage location (based on hashes), change history, and information about the status of each machine that participates in the syncing. On your clients, git-annex stores this using git. This detail is very useful to some, and irrelevant to others. Some of the git-annex storage backends can support only storage (S3, for instance). Some can support both storage and metadata (rsync, ssh, local drives, etc.) You can even configure a backend to support only metadata (more on why that may be useful in a bit). When you are working with a git-backed repository for git-annex, it can hold data, metadata, or both. So, to have a working sync system, you must have a way to transport both the data and the metadata. The transport for the metadata is generally rsync or git, but it can also be XMPP in which Git changesets are basically wrapped up in XMPP presence messages. Joey says, however, that there are some known issues with XMPP servers sometimes dropping or reordering some XMPP messages, so he doesn t encourage that method currently. The live signaling layer So once you have your data and metadata, you can already do syncs via git annex sync --contents. But the real killer feature here will be automatic detection of changes, both on the local and the remote. To do that, you need some way of live signaling. git-annex supports two methods. The first requires ssh access to a remote machine where git-annex is installed. In this mode of operation, when the git-annex assistant fires up, it opens up a persistent ssh connection to the remote and runs the git-annex-shell over there, which notifies it of changes to the git metadata repository. When a change is detected, a sync is initiated. This is considered ideal. A substitute can be XMPP, and git-annex actually converts git commits into a form that can be sent over XMPP. As I mentioned above, there are some known reliability issues with this and it is not the recommended option. Encryption When it comes to encryption, you generally are concerned about all three layers. In an ideal scenario, the encryption and decryption happens entirely on the client side, so no service provider ever has any details about your data. The live signaling layer is encrypted pretty trivially; the ssh sessions are, of course, encrypted and TLS support in XMPP is pervasive these days. However, this is not end-to-end encryption; those messages are decrypted by the service provider, so a service provider could theoretically spy on metadata, which may include change times and filenames, though not the contents of files themselves. The data layer also can be encrypted very trivially. In the case of the dumb backends like S3, git-annex can use symmetric encryption or a gpg keypair and all that ever shows up on the server are arbitrarily-named buckets. You can also use a gcrypt-based git repository. This can cover both data and metadata and, if the target also has git-annex installed, the live signalling layer. Using a gcrypt-based git repository for the metadata and live signalling is the only way to accomplish live syncing with 100% client-side encryption. All of these methods are implemented in terms of gpg, and can support symmetric of public-key encryption. It should be noted here that the current release versions of git-annex need a one-character patch in order to fix live syncing with a remote using gcrypt. For those of you running jessie, I recommend the version in jessie-backports, which is presently 5.20151208. For your convenience, I have compiled an amd64 binary that can drop in over /usr/bin/git-annex if you have this version. You can download it and a gpg signature for it. Note that you only need this binary on the clients; the server can use the version from jessie-backports without issue. Putting the pieces together: some scenarios Now that I ve explained the layers, let s look at how they fit together. Scenario 1: Central server In this scenario, you might have a workstation and a laptop that sync up with each other by way of a central server that also has a full copy of the data. This is the scenario that most closely resembles Dropbox, box, or OwnCloud. Here you would basically follow the steps in the git-assistant screencast: install git-annex on a server somewhere, and point your clients to it. If you want full end-to-end encryption, I would recommend letting git-annex generate a gpg keypair for you, which you would then need to copy to both your laptop and workstation (but not the server). Every change you make locally will be synced to the server, and then from the server to your other PC. All three systems would be configured in the client transfer group. Scenario 1a: Central server without a full copy of the data In this scenario, everything is configured the same except the central server is configured with the transfer transfer group. This means that the actual data synced to it is deleted after it has been propagated to all clients. Since git-annex can verify which repository has received a copy of which data, it can easily enough delete the actual file content from the central server after it has been copied to all the clients. Many people use something like Dropbox or OwnCloud as a multi-PC syncing solution anyhow, so once the files have been synced everywhere, it makes sense to remove them from the central server. This is often a good ideal for people. There are some obvious downsides that are sometimes relevant. For instance, to add a third sync client, it must be able to initially copy down from one of the existing clients. Or, if you intend to access the data from a device such as a cell phone where you don t intend for it to have a copy of all data all the time, you won t have as convenient way to download your data. Scenario 1b: Split data/metadata central servers Imagine that you have a shell or rsync account on some remote system where you can run git-annex, but don t have much storage space. Maybe you have a cheap VPS or shell account somewhere, but it s just not big enough to hold your data. The answer to this would be to use this shell or rsync account for the metadata, but put the data elsewhere. You could, for instance, store the data in Amazon S3 or Amazon Glacier. These backends aren t capable of storing the git-annex metadata, so all you need is a shell or rsync account somewhere to sync up the metadata. (Or, as below, you might even combine a fully distributed approach with this.) Then you can have your encrypted data pushed up to S3 or some such service, which presumably will grow to whatever size you need. Scenario 2: Fully distributed Like git itself, git-annex does not actually need a central server at all. If your different clients can reach each other directly at least some of the time, that is good enough. Of course, a given client will not be able to do fully automatic live sync unless it can reach at least one other client, so changes may not propagate as quickly. You can simply set this up by making ssh connections available between your clients. git-annex assistant can automatically generate appropriate ~/.ssh/authorized_keys entries for you. Scenario 2a: Fully distributed with multiple disconnected branches You can even have a graph of connections available. For instance, you might have a couple machines at home and a couple machines at work with no ability to have a direct connection between them (due to, say, firewalls). The two machines at home could sync with each other in real-time, as could the two machines at work. git-annex also supports things like USB drives as a transport mechanism, so you could throw a USB drive in your pocket each morning, pop it in to one client at work, and poof both clients are synced up over there. Repeat when you get home in the evening, and you re synced there. The USB drive s repository can, of course, be of the transport type so data is automatically deleted from it once it s been synced everywhere. Scenario 3: Hybrid git-annex can support LAN sync even if you have a central server. If your laptop, say, travels around but is sometimes on the same LAN as your PC, git-annex can easily sync directly between the two when they are reachable, saving a round-trip to the server. You can assign a cost to each remote, and git-annex will always try to sync first to the lowest-cost path that is available. Drawbacks of git-annex There are some scenarios where git-annex with the assistant won t be as useful as one of the more traditional instant-sync systems. The first and most obvious one is if you want to access the files without the git-annex client. For instance, many of the other tools let you generate a URL that you can email to people, and then they can download files without any special client software. This is not directly possible with git-annex. You could, of course, make something like a public_html directory be managed with git-annex, but it wouldn t provide things like obfuscated URLs, password-protected sharing, time-limited sharing, etc. that you get with other systems. While you can share your repositories with others that have git-annex, you can t share individual subdirectories; for a given repository, it is all or nothing. The Android client for git-annex is a pretty interesting thing: it is mostly a small POSIX environment, providing a terminal, git, gpg, and the same web interface that you get on a standalone machine. This means that the git-annex Android client is fully functional compared to a desktop one. It also has a quick setup process for syncing off your photos/videos. On the other hand, the integration with the Android ecosystem is poor compared to most other tools. Other git-annex features git-annex has a lot to offer besides the git-annex assistant. Besides the things I ve already mentioned, any given git-annex repository including your client repository can have a partial copy of the full content. Say, for instance, that you set up a git-annex repository for your music collection, which is quite large. You want some music on your netbook, but don t have room for it all. You can tell git-annex to get or drop files from the netbook s repository without deleting them remotely. git-annex has quite a few ways to automate and configure this, including making sure that at least a certain number of copies of a file exist in your git-annex ecosystem. Conclusion I initially started looking at git-annex due to the security issues with encfs, and the difficulty with setting up ecryptfs in this way. (I had been layering encfs atop OwnCloud). git-annex certainly ticks the box for me security-wise, and obviously anything encrypted with encfs wasn t going to be shared with others anyhow. I ll be using git-annex more in the future, I m sure.

30 May 2016

John Goerzen: That was satisfying

It s been awhile due to all sorts of other stuff going on. Nice to see this clogging my inbox again: screenshot It really is satisfying to close bugs!

8 May 2016

John Goerzen: The Simple Joys of the Plains

We love to go exploring as a family. Last year, we gave Jacob and Oliver a theme: find places older than Grandpa. They got creative really quick, realizing that any state park counts ( dirt is older than grandpa! ) as did pretty much any museum. Probably our hit from last year was the visit to the tunnels under Ellinwood, KS. Beatrice, NE This year, our theme is places we can fly to . A couple of weeks ago, Laura had a conference in the beautiful small town of Beatrice, NE. So all four of us flew up, and Jacob, Oliver, and I found fun activities while Laura was at her conference. IMG_20160423_125238 We walked around Beatrice a bit, and I noticed this rails-to-trails area. Jacob and Oliver were immediately interested (since it was railroad-related). They quickly turned it into a game of kick-the-dandelion, trying to kick dandelions off their stems and see how high in the air they could get them. The answer: pretty high. IMG_20160423_082343 Of course, you can t go wrong with swimming. Here s Oliver getting ready for some swimming. IMG_20160423_132125 Right near Beatrice is the Homestead National Monument. Of course, the bales decorated like a minion got their attention. IMG_20160423_135141 Like the other national parks, this one has a junior ranger program. You complete a few things in an activity book and take a pledge to protect the park, and then you get a badge and some stickers. Here s Oliver proudly taking his pledge, holding the new raccoon he bought in their gift shop. Canyon, TX Laura and I have been to Canyon, TX, twice the first was for our honeymoon. Yes, we did get some strange looks when we told people we were going to Amarillo for our honeymoon. But it was absolutely perfect for us. We both enjoy the simple gifts of nature. We kept thinking we ve got to take the boys here . So this weekend, we did. We flew a Cessna out there. IMG_20160505_180409 Almost every little general aviation airport seems to have a bowl of candy, a plate of cookies, or some such thing for people that are flying through. I often let Jacob and Oliver choose ONE item. They hit the jackpot when we stopped at West Woodward, Oklahoma for fuel and a break. Two whole fridges stocked with stuff: cans of pop in one, and all sorts of snacks in the other. In typical GA fashion, there was a jar in the fridge asking for $1 if you took something. And it clearly hadn t been emptied in awhile. They also had a nice lounge and a patio. Perfect for munching while watching the activities on the ramp. IMG_20160505_211110 After landing at the beautiful little Tradewind Airport in Amarillo, we ate dinner at Feldman s Wrong-Way Diner in Canyon, TX. Oh my, was that ever popular with the boys. The eagerly looked around to find anything that was wrong a plane hanging upside down from the ceiling, a direction sign saying Tattoine 30 parsecs , movie posters hung upside down, whatever it might be. The fact that model trains were whirring past overhead certainly didn t hurt either. IMG_20160505_214127 They had a giant bin of crayons by the entrance. Jacob and Oliver each grabbed a fistful, and decided it would be fun to do some math problems while we wait. Oliver particularly got into that, and was quite accurate on his large addition problems. Impressive for a first-grader! IMG_20160506_163801 Of course, the big highlight of the area is Palo Duro Canyon. Jacob and Oliver were so eager to explore the canyon that they were just about bubbling over with excitement the night before. They decided that we should explore one of the most difficult trails in the canyon one that would take us from the bottom of the canyon all the way to the top and back, about 2.5 miles each way. P5060008 And they LOVED it. We d stop every few minutes to climb on some rocks, smash up some pieces of sandstone, munch on a snack, or even watch a lizard scurry past. P5060003 IMG_20160506_203218 At the trading post in the canyon, both boys explored the gift shop. Jacob happily purchased a Texas magnet and Palo Duro Canyon keychain, which he carried around the rest of the weekend. Oliver loves stuffed animals, and he bought a cuddly little (but long) snake. When we got back to the hotel, he tied a couple of knots in it, and it became snake airlines . Here is the snake airline taking off. He named it Rattletail the friendly snake , which I thought was a pretty nifty name. IMG_20160507_075730 The hotel s waffle maker made Texas-shaped waffles, clearly a hit! IMG_20160507_101653 Saturday, we explored the absolutely massive Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. (How does something that huge wind up in Canyon, TX?) Both boys enjoyed spending hours there. Here s Oliver in Pioneer Town (an indoor recreation of a 1900s town) sending a telegraph message. Oliver wanted to help with the plane. He helped me tie it down in Amarillo, helped check it over during preflight, basically got involved in every part of it. Jacob studied aviation maps (sectionals) with me, planning our flight, figuring out how fast we d go. I loaded Avare (an Android app) on an old tablet for him, so he had aviation maps in the cockpit just like me. He would be telling us how fast we were going every so often, pointing out landmarks, etc. When it was time to head back home, both boys wanted to stay longer a sure sign of a good trip. They wanted to hike another trail in the canyon, go back to the museum, and eat at Feldman s 18 more times. (We got there twice, which was plenty for Laura and me!) On our drive home, Oliver said, Dad-o, will you teach me to be a pilot? You should be my flight instructor. Then I could fly everywhere with you. Now that just makes a dad s day.

16 April 2016

John Goerzen: A Year of Flight

Dad-o, I m so glad you re a pilot! My 9-year-old son Jacob has been saying that, always with a big hug and his fond nickname for me ( dad-o ). It has now been a year since the first time I sat in the pilot s seat of a plane, taking my first step towards exploring the world from the sky. And now, one year after I first sat in the pilot s seat of an airborne plane, it s prompted me to think back to my own memories. vlcsnap-2015-07-24-20h35m16s96_1

Flying over the airport at Moundridge, KS Memories Back when I was a child, maybe about the age my children are now, I d be outside in the evening and see this orange plane flying overhead. Our neighbor Don had a small ultralight plane and a grass landing strip next to his house. I remember longing to be up in the sky with Don, exploring the world from up there. At that age, I didn t know all the details of why that wouldn t work I just knew I wanted to ride in it. It wasn t until I was about 11 that I flew for the first time. I still remember that TWA flight with my grandma, taking off early in the morning and flying just a little ways above the puffy clouds lit up all yellow and orange by the sunrise. Even 25 years later, that memory still holds as one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen. Exploring I have always been an explorer. When I go past something interesting, I love to go see what it looks like inside. I enjoy driving around Kansas with Laura, finding hidden waterfalls, old county courthouses, ghost towns, beautiful old churches, even small-town restaurants. I explore things around me, too once taking apart a lawnmower engine as a child, nowadays building HF antennas in my treetops or writing code for Linux. If there is little to learn about something, it becomes less interesting to me. I see this starting to build in my children, too. Since before they could walk, if we were waiting for something in a large building, we d go exploring. IMG_7231

A patch of rain over Hillsboro, KS The New World A pilot once told me, Nobody can become a pilot without it changing the way they see the world and then, changing their life. I doubted that. But it was true. One of the most poetic sights I know is flying a couple thousand feet above an interstate highway at night, following it to my destination. All those red and white lights, those metal capsules of thousands of lives and thousands of stories, stretching out as far as the eye can see in either direction. IMG_7099

Kansas sunset from the plane When you re in a plane, that small town nowhere near a freeway that always seemed so far away suddenly is only a 15-minute flight away, not even enough time to climb up to a high cruise altitude. Two minutes after takeoff, any number of cities that are an hour s drive away are visible simultaneously, their unique features already recognizable: a grain elevator, oil refinery, college campus, lake, whatever. And all the houses you fly over each with people in them. Some pretty similar to you, some apparently not. But pretty soon you realize that we all are humans, and we aren t all that different. You can t tell a liberal from a conservative from the sky, nor a person s race or religion, nor even see the border between states. Towns and cities are often nameless from the sky, unless you re really low; only your navigation will tell you where you are. I ve had the privilege to fly to small out-of-the-way airports, the kind that have a car that pilots can use for free to go into town and get lunch, and leave the key out for them. There I ve met many friendly people. I ve also landed my little Cessna at a big commercial airport where I probably used only 1/10th of the runway, on a grass runway that was barely maintained at all. I ve flown to towns I d driven to or through many times, discovering the friendly folks at the small airport out of town. I ve flown to parts of Kansas I ve never been to before, discovered charming old downtowns and rolling hills, little bursts of rain and beautiful sunsets that seem to turn into a sea. Smith Center, KS airport terminal

Parked at the Smith Center, KS airport terminal, about to meet some wonderful people For a guy that loves exploring the nooks and crannies of the world that everyone else drives by on their way to a major destination, being a pilot has meant many soul-filling moments. Hard Work I knew becoming a pilot would be a lot of hard work, and thankfully I remembered stories like that when I finally concluded it would be worth it. I found that I had an aptitude for a lot of things that many find difficult about being a pilot: my experience with amateur radio made me a natural at talking to ATC, my fascination with maps and navigation meant I already knew how to read aviation sectional maps before I even started my training and knew how to process that information in the cockpit, my years as a system administrator and programmer trained me with a careful and methodical decision-making process. And, much to the surprise of my flight instructor, I couldn t wait to begin the part of training about navigating using VORs (VHF radio beacons). I guess he, like many student pilots, had struggled with that, but I was fascinated by this pre-GPS technology (which I still routinely use in my flight planning, as a backup in case the GPS constellation or a GPS receiver fails). So that left the reflexes of flight, the art of it, as the parts I had to work on the hardest. The exam with the FAA is not like getting your driver s license. It s a multi-stage and difficult process. So when the FAA Designated Pilot Examiner said congratulations, pilot! and later told my flight instructor that you did a really good job with this one, I felt a true sense of accomplishment. IMG_20151021_193137

Some of my prep materials Worth It Passengers in a small plane can usually hear all the radio conversations going on. My family has heard me talking to air traffic control, to small and big planes. My 6-year-old son Oliver was playing yesterday, and I saw him pick up a plane and say this: Two-four-niner-golf requesting to land on runway one-seven . Two-four-niner-golf back-taxi on one-seven Two-four-niner-golf ready to takeoff on runway one-seven! That was a surprisingly accurate representation of some communication a pilot might have (right down to the made-up tailnumber with the spelling alphabet!) 20160408_203110

It just got more involved from there! Jacob and Oliver love model train shows. I couldn t take them to one near us, but there was one in Joplin, MO. So the day before Easter, while Laura was working on her Easter sermon, two excited boys and I (frankly also excited) climbed into a plane and flew to Joplin. We had a great time at the train show, discovered a restaurant specializing in various kinds of hot dogs (of course they both wanted to eat there), played in a park, explored the city, and they enjoyed the free cookies at the general aviation terminal building while I traded tips on fun places to fly with other pilots. When it comes right down to it, the smiles of the people I fly with are the most beautiful thing in the air. IMG_20151205_183440

Jacob after his first father-son flight with me

23 March 2016

John Goerzen: Free cars, sunsets, and Kansas

Will you have a car I can borrow? I asked. Sure. No charge. There s a sign telling you where to find the key. It is pretty common for small airports to have a car for a pilot to borrow when flying in. This lets a person go into town for lunch, or visit friends. And it s usually free, with a can to donate a few bucks or a polite request to fill up the tank when you re done. Still, when I had called ahead to ask about flying into the airport in a small town in north-central Kansas, I hadn t expected to be told to just waltz into the place and take the key. But they had no staff at the airport most of the time. So, to me another person from a small town it made perfect sense. Somehow, because of that phone call, this town I had visited once, maybe 25 years ago, seemed instantly familiar. My mom grew up in a small town near there. She wanted me to see where she grew up, to meet some people that meant a lot to her. As it s quite a distance from home, I offered to fly her there. So, Laura, mom, and I climbed into a Cessna one morning for the flight northwest. We touched down at the airport, and I pulled the plane up to the little terminal building. Smith Center, KS airport terminal After I took care of parking the plane, I went to find the car. Except the car was missing. Some other pilot had flown in the same day and was using it, according to the logbook on the desk. I called the number on a sign which rang to the sheriff s office and they confirmed it. According to the logbook, this was only the third time that car had been driven since Thanksgiving. Were we stuck at the airport a few miles out of down? Nope. Mom called the people we were going to meet, a wonderful couple in their upper 80s. They drove out to pick us up. I m rather glad the car was gone, because I had such a great time visiting with them. Norris told me about the days when the state highways were gravel how they d have to re-blade them every few days due to all the traffic. I heard about what happened when the people in that community heard of some folks in Africa in need of car equipment they modified a tractor to fit in a shipping container and shipped it to Africa, along with a lot of books, blankets, supplies, and anything else needed to fill up a huge shipping container. Sounds like something people around here would do. We drove around a couple of the small towns. The town my mom grew up in has seen better days. Its schools closed years ago, the old hotel whose owner gave her piano lessons is condemned, and many houses have been lost. But the town lives on. A new community center was built a few years ago. The grain elevator is expanding. Every time a business on Main Street closes, the grocery store expands a little bit: it s now a grocery store with a little hardware store and a little restaurant mixed in. The mall , as the locals jokingly call it. And, of course, two beautiful small churches still meet every Sunday. Here s the one my mom attended as a child. IMG_7085 We drove past the marker at the geographic center of the contiguous United States. Norris saw some other visitors, rolled down his windows, and treated them and us to an unexpected story of the time thousands of people banded together to completely build a house in a single day, just down the road. Smiles all around. So here I was, nearly 200 miles from home, in an unfamiliar town but one where I could just feel the goodness. After spending a few hours with these people, I felt like they were old friends. As I flew us home, I spotted one of my favorite Kansas sights: a beautiful sunset. From the plane, it almost looks like the land at the horizon turns blue like the ocean, and above it the last hint of sun paints the canvas-sky. In this week of controversy, politics, and reports of violence, it reminds me that we all get the privilege of sharing this beautiful Earth. I didn t ask anybody on that trip about their politics, religion, or opinions on any of the divisive issues of the day. Whether they agree with me on those things or not is irrelevant. I got to spend a day with good-hearted and delightful people, so I flew back with a smile. IMG_7099

4 January 2016

John Goerzen: Hiking a mountain with Ian Murdock

Would you like to hike a mountain? That question caught me by surprise. It was early in 2000, and I had flown to Tucson for a job interview. Ian Murdock was starting a new company, Progeny, and I was being interviewed for their first hire. Well, I thought, hiking will be fun. So we rode a bus or something to the top of the mountain and then hiked down. Our hike was full of well, everything. Ian talked about Tucson and the mountains, about his time as the Debian project leader, about his college days. I asked about the plants and such we were walking past. We talked about the plans for Progeny, my background, how I might fit in. It was part interview, part hike, part two geeks chatting. Ian had no HR telling him you can t go hiking down a mountain with a job candidate, as I m sure HR would have. And I am glad of it, because even 16 years later, that is still by far the best time I ever had at a job interview, despite the fact that it ruined the only pair of shoes I had brought along I had foolishly brought dress shoes for a, well, job interview. I guess it worked, too, because I was hired. Ian wanted to start up the company in Indianapolis, so over the next little while there was the busy work of moving myself and setting up an office. I remember those early days Ian and I went computer shopping at a local shop more than once to get the first workstations and servers for the company. Somehow he had found a deal on some office space in a high-rent office building. I still remember the puzzlement on the faces of accountants and lawyers dressed up in suits riding in the elevators with us in our shorts and sandals, or tie-die, next to them. Progeny s story was to be a complicated one. We set out to rock the world. We didn t. We didn t set out to make lasting friendships, but we often did. We set out to accomplish great things, and we did some of that, too. We experienced a full range of emotions there elation when we got hardware auto-detection working well or when our downloads looked very popular, despair when our funding didn t come through as we had hoped, being lost when our strategy had to change multiple times. And, as is the case everywhere, none of us were perfect. I still remember the excitement after we published our first release on the Internet. Our little server that could got pegged at 100Mb of outbound bandwidth (that was something for a small company in those days.) The moment must have meant something, because I still have the mrtg chart from that day on my computer, 15 years later. Progeny's Bandwidth Chart We made a good Linux distribution, an excellent Debian derivative, but commercial success did not flow from it. In the succeeding months, Ian and the company tried hard to find a strategy that would stick and make our big break. But that never happened. We had several rounds of layoffs when hoped-for funding never materialized. Ian eventually lost control of the company, and despite a few years of Itanium contract work after I left, closed for good. Looking back, Progeny was life compressed. During the good times, we had joy, sense of accomplishment, a sense of purpose at doing something well that was worth doing. I had what was my dream job back then: working on Debian as I loved to do, making the world a better place through Free Software, and getting paid to do it. And during the bad times, different people at Progeny experienced anger, cynicism, apathy, sorrow for the loss of our friends or plans, or simply a feeling to soldier on. All of the emotions, good or bad, were warranted in their own way. Bruce Byfield, one of my co-workers at Progeny, recently wrote a wonderful memoriam of Ian. He wrote, More than anything, he wanted to repeat his accomplishment with Debian, and, naturally he wondered if he could live up to his own expectations of himself. That, I think, was Ian s personal tragedy that he had succeeded early in life, and nothing else he did with his life could quite measure up to his expectations and memories. Ian was not the only one to have some guilt over Progeny. I, for years, wondered if I should have done more for the company, could have saved things by doing something more, or different. But I always came back to the conclusion I had at the time: that there was nothing I could do a terribly sad realization. In the years since, I watched Ubuntu take the mantle of easy-to-install Debian derivative. I saw them reprise some of the ideas we had, and even some of our mistakes. But by that time, Progeny was so thoroughly forgotten that I doubt they even realized they were doing it. I had long looked at our work at Progeny as a failure. Our main goal was never accomplished, our big product never sold many copies, our company eventually shuttered, our rock-the-world plan crumpled and forgotten. And by those traditional measurements, you could say it was a failure. But I have come to learn in the years since that success is a lot more that those things. Success is also about finding meaning and purpose through our work. As a programmer, success is nailing that algorithm that lets the application scale 10x more than before, or solving that difficult problem. As a manager, success is helping team members thrive, watching pieces come together on projects that no one person could ever do themselves. And as a person, success comes from learning from our experiences, and especially our mistakes. As J. Michael Straczynski wrote in a Babylon 5 episode, loosely paraphrased: Maybe this experience will be a good lesson. Too bad it was so painful, but there ain t no other kind. The thing about Progeny is this Ian built a group of people that wanted to change the world for the better. We gave it our all. And there s nothing wrong with that. Progeny did change the world. As us Progeny alumni have scattered around the country, we benefit from the lessons we learned there. And many of us were different , sort of out of place before Progeny, and there we found others that loved C compilers, bootloaders, and GPL licenses just as much as we did. We belonged, not just online but in life, and we went on to pull confidence and skill out of our experience at Progeny and use them in all sorts of ways over the years. And so did Ian. Who could have imagined the founder of Debian and Progeny would one day lead the cause of an old-guard Unix turning Open Source? I run ZFS on my Debian system today, and Ian is partly responsible for that and his time at Progeny is too. So I can remember Ian, and Progeny, as a success. And I leave you with a photo of my best memento from the time there: an original unopened boxed copy of Progeny Linux. IMG_6197_v1

22 December 2015

John Goerzen: Amtrak Airlines

I came downstairs this morning and found a surprise waiting for me. Chairs from all over had been gathered up and arranged in rows, airline style. Taped to the wall was a food court sign. At the front was a picture of an airplane, decked out with the Amtrak logo of all things, and a timetable taped to our dining room table. IMG_6123 Jacob soon got out string to be seatbelts, too. And, using his copy machine, printed out a picture of a wing to tape to the side of the airplane . IMG_6128 And here is the food court sign Oliver made: IMG_6126 This plane was, according to the boys, scheduled to leave at 9:30. It left a fashionable 2 hours late or so. They told me I would be the pilot, and had me find headphones to be my headset . (I didn t wear my real headset on the grounds that then I wouldn t be able to hear them.) Jacob decided he would be a flight attendant, his grandma would be the co-pilot, and Oliver would be the food court worker. The food court somehow seemed to travel with the plane. Oliver made up a menu for the food court. It consisted of, and I quote: trail mix, banana, trail mix, half banana, trail mix, trail mix, trail mix . He s already got the limited selection of airport food down pat, I can see. Jacob said the flight would be from Chicago to Los Angeles, and so it was. Since it was Amtrak Airlines, we were supposed to pretend to fly over the train tracks the whole way. If it s not Christmas yet, we just invent some fun, eh? Pretty clever.

28 October 2015

John Goerzen: The Train to Galesburg

Sometimes, children are so excited you just can t resist. Jacob and Oliver have been begging for a train trip for awhile now, so Laura and I took advantage of a day off school to take them to the little town of Galesburg, IL for a couple days. Galesburg is a special memory for me; nearly 5 years ago, it was the first time Jacob and I took an Amtrak trip somewhere, just the two of us. And, separately, Laura s first-ever train trip had been to Galesburg to visit friends. There was excitement in the air. I was asked to supply a bedtime story about trains I did. On the way to the train station in the middle of the night there was excited jabbering about trains. Even when I woke them up, they lept out of bed and raced downstairs, saying, Dad, why aren t you ready yet? As the train was passing through here at around 4:45AM, and we left home with some time to spare, we did our usual train trip thing of stopping at the one place open at such a time: Druber s Donuts. IMG_20151023_040731 Much as Laura and I might have enjoyed some sleep once we got on the train, Jacob and Oliver weren t having it. Way too much excitement was in the air. Jacob had his face pressed against the window much of the time, while Oliver was busy making snake trains from colored clay complete with eyes. IMG_20151023_062304 The boys were dressed up in their train hats and engineer overalls, and Jacob kept musing about what would happen if somebody got confused and thought that he was the real engineer. When an Amtrak employee played along with that later, he was quite thrilled! We were late enough into Galesburg that we ate lunch in the dining car. A second meal there what fun! Here they are anxiously awaiting the announcement that the noon reservations could make their way to the dining car. Oh, and jockeying for position to see who would be first and get to do the all-important job of pushing the button to open the doors between train cars. IMG_20151023_120143 Even waiting for your food can be fun. IMG_20151023_120728 Upon arriving, we certainly couldn t leave the train station until our train did, even though it was raining. IMG_20151023_145755 Right next to the train station is the Discovery Depot Children s Museum. It was a perfect way to spend a few hours. Jacob really enjoyed the building wall, where you can assemble systems that use gravity (really a kinetic/potential energy experiment wall) to funnel rubber balls all over the place. He sticks out his tongue when he s really thinking. Fun to watch. IMG_20151023_153113 Meanwhile, Oliver had a great time with the air-powered tube system, complete with several valves that can launch things through a complicated maze of transparent tubes. IMG_20151024_150309 VID_20151024_150159 They both enjoyed pretending I was injured and giving me rides in the ambulance. I was diagnosed with all sorts of maladies a broken leg, broken nose. One time Jacob held up the pretend stethoscope to me, and I said ribbit. He said, Dad, you ve got a bad case of frog! You will be in the hospital 190 days! Later I would make up things like I think my gezotnix is all froibled and I was ordered to never leave the ambulance again. He told the story of this several times. After the museum closed, we ate supper. Keep in mind the boys had been up since the middle of the night without sleeping and were still doing quite well! They did start to look a bit drowsy I thought Oliver was about to fall asleep, but then their food came. And at the hotel, they were perfectly happy to invent games involving jumping off the bed. Saturday, we rode over to Peck Park. We had heard about this park from members of our church in Kansas, but oddly even the taxi drivers hadn t ever heard of it. It s well known as a good place to watch trains, as it has two active lines that cross each other at a rail bridge. And sure enough, in only a little while, we took in several trains. IMG_20151024_110035 VID_20151024_110229 The rest of that morning, we explored Galesburg. We visited an antique mall and museum, saw the square downtown, and checked out a few of the shops my favorite was the Stray Cat, featuring sort of a storefront version of Etsy with people selling art from recycled objects. But that wasn t really the boys thing, so we drifted out of there on our way to lunch at Baked, where we had some delicious deep-dish pizza. After that, we still had some time to kill before getting back on the train. We discussed our options. And what do you know we ended up back at the children s museum. We stopped at a bakery to get the fixins for a light supper on the train, and ate a nice meal in the dining car once we got on. Then, this time, they actually slept. Before long, it was 3AM again and time to get back off the train. Oliver was zonked out sleepy. Somehow I managed to get his coat and backpack on him despite him being totally limp, and carried him downstairs to get off the train. Pretty soon we walked to our car and drove home. We tucked them in, and then finally tucked ourselves in. Sometimes being really tired is well worth it.

2 August 2015

John Goerzen: The Time Machine of Durango

The airplane may be the closest thing we have to a time machine. Brian J. Terwilliger
IMG_5731_v1 There is something about that moment. Hiking in the mountains near Durango, Colorado, with Laura and the boys, we found a beautiful spot with a view of the valley. We paused to admire, and then The sound of a steam locomotive whistle from down below, sounding loud all the way up there, then echoing back and forth through the valley. Then the quieter, seemingly more distant sound of the steam engine heading across the valley, chugging and clacking as it goes. More whistles, the sight of smoke and then of the train full of people, looking like a beautiful model train from our vantage point. IMG_5515 I ve heard that sound on a few rare recordings, but never experienced it. I ve been on steam trains a few times, but never spent time in a town where they still run all day, every day. It is a different sort of feeling to spend a week in a place where Jacob and Oliver would jump up several times a day and rush to the nearest window in an attempt to catch sight of the train. IMG_5719_v1 Airplanes really can be a time machine in a sense what a wondrous time to be alive, when things so ancient are within the reach of so many. I have been transported to L beck and felt the uneven 700-year-old stones of the Marienkirche underneath my feet, feeling a connection to the people that walked those floors for centuries. I felt the same in Prague, in St. George s Basilica, built in 1142, and at the Acropolis of Lindos, with its ancient Greek temple ruins. In Kansas, I feel that when in the middle of the Flint Hills rolling green hills underneath the pure blue sky with billowing white clouds, the sounds of crickets, frogs, and cicadas in my ears; the sights and sounds are pretty much as they ve been for tens of thousands of years. And, of course, in Durango, arriving on a plane but seeing the steam train a few minutes later. IMG_5571_v1 It was fitting that we were in Durango with Laura s parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. As we looked forward to riding the train, we heard their stories of visits to Durango years ago, of their memories of days when steam trains were common. We enjoyed thinking about what our lives would be like should we live long enough to celebrate 50 years of marriage. Perhaps we would still be in good enough health to be able to ride a steam train in Durango, telling about that time when we rode the train, which by then will have been pretty much the same for 183 years. Or perhaps we would take them to our creek, enjoying a meal at the campfire like I ve done since I was a child. Each time has its unique character. I am grateful for the cameras and airplanes and air conditioning we have today. But I am also thankful for those things that connect us with each other trough time, those rocks that are the same every year, those places that remind us how close we really are to those that came before.

18 July 2015

John Goerzen: True Things About Learning to Fly

I ve been pretty quiet for the last few months because I m learning to fly. I want to start with a few quotes about aviation. I have heard things like these from many people and can vouch for their accuracy:
Anyone can learn to fly. Learning to fly is one of the hardest things you ll ever do. It is totally worth it. Being a pilot will give you a new outlook on life. You ll be amazed at what radios do a 3000ft. Have you ever had an 3000-foot antenna tower? The world is glorious at 1000ft up. Share your enthusiasm with those around you. You have a perspective very few ever see, except for a few seconds on the way to 35,000ft.
Earlier this month, I flew solo for the first time the biggest milestone on the way to getting the pilot s license. Here s a photo my flight instructor took as I was coming in to land that day. landing Today I took my first flight to another airport. It wasn t far about 20 miles away but it was still a thrill. I flew about 1500ft above the ground, roughly above a freeway that happened to be my route. From that height, things still look three-dimensional. The grain elevator that marked out the one small town, the manufacturing plant at another, the college at the third. Bales of hay dotting the fields, the occasional tractor creeping along a road, churches sticking up above the trees. These are places I ve known for decades, and now, suddenly, they are all new. What a time to be alive! I am glad that our world is still so full of wonder and beauty.

22 April 2015

John Goerzen: Today I FLEW A PLANE

For once you have tasted flight,
You will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward;
For there you have been,
And there you long to return. Leonardo da Vinci
There is something of a magic to flight, to piloting. I remember the first flight I ever took, after years of dreaming of flying in a plane: my grandma had bought me a plane ticket. In one of the early morning flights, I witnessed a sunrise above cumulus clouds. Although I was just 10 or so at the time, that still is a most beautiful image seared into my memory. I have become meh about commercial flight over the years. The drive to the airport, the security lines, the lack of scenery at 35,000 feet. And yet, there is much more to flight than that. When I purchased what was essentially a flying camera, I saw a whole new dimension of the earth s amazing beauty. All the photos in this post, in fact, are ones I took. I then got a RC airplane, because flying the quadcopter was really way too easy. DJI00620
It s wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky.
Behind me and before me is God, and I have no fears. Helen Keller
Start talking to pilots, and you notice a remarkable thing: this group of people that tends to be cool and logical, methodical and precise, suddenly finds themselves using language almost spiritual. Many have told me that being a pilot brings home how much all humans have in common, the unifying fact of sharing this beautiful planet together. Many volunteer with organizations such as Angel Flight. And having been up in small planes a few times, I start to glimpse this. Flying over my home at 1000 up, or from lake to lake in Seattle with a better view than the Space Needle, seeing places familiar and new, but from a new perspective, drives home again and again the beauty of our world, the sheer goodness of it, and the wonderful color of the humanity that inhabits it. DJI00120
The air up there in the clouds is very pure and fine, bracing and delicious. And why shouldn t it be? It is the same the angels breathe. Mark Twain
The view from 1000 feet, or 3000, is often so much more spectacular than the view from 35,000 ft as you get on a commercial flight. The flexibility is too; there are airports all over the country that smaller planes can use which the airlines never touch. Here is one incredible video from a guy that is slightly crazy but does ground-skimming, flying just a few feet off the ground: (try skipping to 9:36) So what comes next is something I blame slightly on my dad and younger brother. My dad helped get me interested in photography as a child, and that interest has stuck. It s what caused me to get into quadcopters ( a flying camera for less than the price of a nice lens! ). And my younger brother started mentioning airplanes to me last year for some reason, as if he was just trying to get me interested. Eventually, it worked. I started talking to the pilots I know (I know quite a few; there seems to be a substantial overlap between amateur radio and pilots). I started researching planes, flight, and especially safety the most important factor. And eventually I decided I wanted to be a pilot. I ve been studying feverishly, carrying around textbooks and notebooks in the car, around the house, and even on a plane. There is a lot to learn. And today, I took my first flight with a flight instructor. Today I actually flew a plane for awhile. Wow! There is nothing quite like that experience. Seeing a part of the world I am familiar with from a new perspective, and then actually controlling this amazing machine I really fail to find the words to describe it. I have put in many hours of study already, and there will be many more studying and flying, but it is absolutely worth it. Here is one final video about one of the most unique places you can fly to in Kansas. And a blog with lots of photos of a flight to Beaumont called Horse on the runway .

18 December 2014

John Goerzen: Aerial Photos: Our Little House on the Prairie

DJI00812 This was my first attempt to send up the quadcopter in winter. It s challenging to take good photos of a snowy landscape anyway. Add to that the fact that the camera is flying, and it s cold, which is hard on batteries and motors. I was rather amazed at how well it did! DJI00816 DJI00830

24 November 2014

John Goerzen: My boys love 1986 computing

Yesterday, Jacob (age 8) asked to help me put together a 30-year-old computer from parts in my basement. Meanwhile, Oliver (age 5) asked Laura to help him learn cursive. Somehow, this doesn t seem odd for a Saturday at our place. 2014-11-22 18.58.36 Let me tell you how this came about. I ve had a project going on for a while now to load data from old floppies. It s been fun, and had a surprise twist the other day: my parents gave me an old TRS-80 Color Computer II (aka CoCo 2 ). It was, in fact, my first computer, one they got for me when I was in Kindergarten. It is nearly 30 years old. I have been musing lately about the great disservice Apple did the world by making computers easy to learn namely the fact that few people ever bother to learn about them. Who bothers to learn about them when, on the iPhone for instance, the case is sealed shut, the lifespan is 1 or 2 years for many purchasers, and the platform is closed in lots of ways? I had forgotten how finicky computers used to be. But after some days struggling with IDE incompatibilities, booting issues, etc., when I actually managed to get data off a machine that had last booted in 1999, I had quite the sense of accomplishment, which I rarely have lately. I did something that was hard to do in a world where most of the interfaces don t work with equipment that old (even if nominally they are supposed to.) The CoCo is one of those computers normally used with a floppy drive or cassette recorder to store programs. You type DIR, and you feel the clack of the drive heads through the desk. You type CLOAD and you hear the relay click closed to turn on the tape motor. You wiggle cables around until they make contact just right. You power-cycle for the times when the reset button doesn t quite do the job. The details of how it works aren t abstracted away by innumerable layers of controllers, interfaces, operating system modules, etc. It s all right there, literally vibrating your desk. So I thought this could be a great opportunity for Jacob to learn a few more computing concepts, such as the difference between mass storage and RAM, plus a great way to encourage him to practice critical thinking. So we trekked down to the basement and came up with handfulls of parts. We brought up the computer, some joysticks, all sorts of tangled cables. We needed adapters, an old TV. Jacob helped me hook everything up, and then the moment of truth: success! A green BASIC screen! I added more parts, but struck out when I tried to connect the floppy drive. The thing just wouldn t start up right whenever the floppy controller cartridge was installed. I cleaned the cartridge. I took it apart, scrubbed the contacts, even did a re-seat of the chips. No dice. So I fired up my CoCo emulator (xroar), and virtually saved some programs to cassette (a .wav file). I then burned those .wav files to an audio CD, brought up an old CD player from the basement, connected the cassette in plug to the CD player s headphone jack, and presto instant programs. (Well, almost. It takes a couple of minutes to load a program from audio codes.) The picture above is Oliver cackling at one of the very simplest BASIC programs there is: number find. The computer picks a random number between 1 and 2000, and asks the user to guess it, giving a too low or too high clue with each incorrect guess. Oliver delighted in giving invalid input (way too high numbers, or things that weren t numbers at all) and cackled at the sarcastic error messages built into the program. During Jacob s turn, he got very serious about it, and is probably going to be learning about how to calculate halfway points before too long. But imagine my pride when this morning, Jacob found the new CD I had made last night (correcting a couple recordings), found my one-line instruction on just part of how to load a program, and correctly figured out by himself all the steps to do in order (type CLOAD on the CoCo, advance the CD to the proper track, press play on the player, wait for it to load on the CoCo, then type RUN). I ordered a replacement floppy controller off eBay tonight, and paid $5 for a coax adapter that should fix some video quality issues. I rescued some 5.25 floppies from my trash can from another project, so they should have plenty of tools for exploration. It is so much easier for them to learn how a disk drive works, and even what the heck a track is, when you can look at a floppy drive with the cover off and see the heads move. There are other things we can do with more modern equipment Jacob has shown a lot of interest in Arduino projects but I have so far drawn a blank on ways to really let kids discover how a modern PC (let alone a modern phone or tablet) works. Update Nov. 24: Every so often, the world surprises me by deciding to, well, read one of my random blog posts. For the benefit of those of you that don t already know my boys, you might want to know that among their common play activites are turning trees into pretend trains, typing at a manual typewriter, reading, writing their own books, using a cassette recorder, building a PC and learning to use bash or xmonad, making long paper tapes with an adding machine, playing records on a record player, building electric gizmos, and even making mud balls. I am often asked about the role of the computer in the lives, given that my hobby and profession involves computers. The answer: less than that of most of their peers. I look for opportunities for them to learn by doing, discovering, playing, or imagining. I make no presumption that they will develop the passion for computers that I did. What I want is for them to have the curiosity and drive to learn everything there is to know about whatever they do develop a passion for, so they will be great at it.

12 November 2014

John Goerzen: Computer Without a Case

My desk today looks like this: 2014-11-12 11.58.45 Yep, that s a computer. Motherboard to the right, floppy drives and CD drive stacked on top of the power supply, hard drive to the left. And it s an OLD computer. (I had forgotten just how loud these old power supplies are; wow.) The point of this exercise is to read data off the floppies that I have made starting nearly 30 years ago now (wow). Many were made with DOS, some were made on a TRS-80 Color Computer II (aka CoCo 2). There are 5.25 disks, 3.25 disks, and all sorts of formats. Most are DOS, but the TRS-80 ones use a different physical format. Some of the data was written by Central Point Backup (from PC Tools), which squeezed more data on the disk by adding an extra sector or something, if my vague memory is working. Reading these disks requires low-level playing with controller timing, and sometimes the original software to extract the data. It doesn t necessarily work under Linux, and certainly doesn t work with USB floppies or under emulation. Hence this system. It s a bridge. Old enough to run DOS, new enough to use an IDE drive. I can then hook up the IDE drive to a IDE-to-USB converter and copy the data off it onto my Linux system. But this was tricky. I started the project a few years ago, but life got in the way. Getting back to it now, with the same motherboard and drive, but I just couldn t get it to boot. I eventually began to suspect some disk geometry settings, and with some detective work from fdisk in Linux plus some research into old BIOS disk size limitations, discovered the problem was a 2GB limit. Through some educated trial and error, I programmed the BOIS with a number of cylinders that worked, set it to LBA mode, and finally my 3-year-old DOS 6.2 installation booted. I had also forgotten how finicky things were back then. Pop a floppy from a Debian install set into the drive, type dir b:, and the system hangs. I guess there was a reason the reset button was prominent on the front of the computer back then

